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Month: May 2024

What is a Superbill? Complete Guide with Pros & Cons

In the medical billing field, a “SUPERBILL” is a document that provides a detailed invoice of the services provided by a healthcare provider to their patient. Typically, superbills are created and submitted for each treatment session conducted by an out-of-network provider. Once the doctor has concluded their work with the patient, payment is collected in […]
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Medicare’s 8-Minute Rule Therapy: A Complete Guide

Navigate The Difficulty Of Medicare 8-Minute Rule Billing? Lets schedule a free 1:1 therapy billing services with me right now! Medicare, known for its strict regulations on claim filing and reimbursement, requires careful adherence to its rules to ensure proper patient care and compliance. One such regulation is the “Medicare 8-Minute Rule”. This rule can […]
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EOB in Medical Billing: A Guide for Providers

Schedule Free Billing Consultancy! Need help with billing? Let’s talk. An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is equally important for patients and providers. It helps identify billing errors in claims and enables providers to fix them to avoid claim denials. EOBs improve the overall effectiveness of billing and patient communication in medical practices. The healthcare providers […]
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