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Month: February 2024

What is an Entity Code Rejection?

Medical claims include codes for different key entities involved like the patient, provider, and billing service. An “entity code rejection” happens when one of these codes is invalid. This could be because it’s missing, expired, or simply incorrect. For example, if the patient’s ID code is outdated or the provider’s NPI number is wrong, the […]
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What is the Process of Claims Payment Optimization?

Effective claims payment optimization is essential for healthcare providers to assure financial stability, simplify revenue cycle management, and improve operational efficiency. Effective solutions can help providers increase cash flow, reduce administrative work, and optimize reimbursements. This blog post will discuss the claims payment optimization process to ensure that patient services run without a hitch. Why […]
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Role of Clear and Concise Documentation in Medical Billing

Medical billing documentation ensures that healthcare providers receive timely and accurate service payments. The documentation is the foundation for the billing process, providing a clear record of the patient’s medical history, diagnoses, and treatments. This blog will discuss the role of clear and concise documentation in medical billing and how it is improving documentation practices. […]
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7 Ways to Maximize Practice’s Cash Flow

Consider that your practice’s cash flow is impacted for whatever reason, whether it is due to recent regulatory enforcement or not. You are receiving the appropriate payments. It’s time to look at the issues keeping your cash flow from being fully used and causing you to fall short of your profit targets. Several factors influence […]
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ICD-10 Checklist for Smooth Transition

ICD-10 is a medical classification system used for coding diagnoses and procedures. It stands for the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision, and is maintained by the World Health Organization (WHO). ICD-10 contains codes representing medical conditions, diseases, injuries, and related healthcare procedures. The system provides a standard language for […]
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HIPAA Compliance Checklist for Medical Practices

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance is essential for any medical practice that handles patients’ protected health information (PHI). A HIPAA compliance checklist can help medical practices follow HIPAA regulations to protect their patient’s PHI (protected health information). There are several factors that providers must have to consider in HIPAA compliance requirements. In […]
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Medical Billing Transparency: Boost Trust & Revenue

Medical billing can be a complex and frustrating experience for patients, with many struggling to understand the charges associated with their care. For healthcare providers, achieving transparency in medical billing reporting is essential, as it can help build trust with patients and improve financial outcomes. Additionally, transparent billing can lead to enhanced collections, as patients […]
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How to Maintain Patient Privacy in Healthcare

Patient privacy in healthcare has great significance. Healthcare providers need to maintain patient privacy. It is crucial to remain vigilant and updated with regulations to enhance and sustain patient privacy. This allows them to provide services without legal consequences and boost revenue growth. This article will discuss patient privacy, its importance, and the best ways […]
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Medical Billing Trends and Technologies

The medical billing industry is transforming significantly due to advanced trends and technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence, and cloud-based solutions. By adopting these innovative solutions, healthcare providers can optimize their billing operations, ensuring financial stability and enhancing patient satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the emerging trends and technologies shaping the future of […]
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